Question: “If I sell my car, purchase a new car with the same engine and brand, can I use the same tune from my previous car on the new car?”
Answer: Even if the new car is the same brand and has the same engine, the ECU software will likely be different. Tunes are specifically designed based on the ECU’s software version, and some brands have over 200 different software variants. Therefore, you’ll need a new tune tailored to the software in your new vehicle’s ECU.
Question: “What octane should I choose when purchasing my tune?”
Answer: You should choose the octane that is readily available in your area.
Question: “If I sell my car, can I return my cable and dongle (hardware) to get a refund?”
Answer: Unfortunately, no. Like most electronics, used hardware is not eligible for a refund. However, you can sell the cable and dongle to someone else who can use them when purchasing a tune for their vehicle.
Question: “If I sell my car with the tune to the new buyer would they be able to use comport pro?“
Answer: Yes, they will. The new buyer would need to purchase the ACCOUNT TRANSFER service. This will transfer your vehicle out of your account and into theirs. See COMPORT PRO Account Transfer for more info.
Question: “If my car has a check engine light, would the tune clear it and my issue is now reconciled?”
Answer: This question will depend on your modifications. Heavily modified vehicles will require scaling of sensors and proper fuel curves adjusted to fix the issue but common practice is if your vehicle has a fault code / check engine light, you would first take your vehicle to a professional automotive center or dealership to have the code evaluated to see if the modifications done, if any, are the cause of the fault code / check engine light.